Grand Macao Casino Scamming Players

Grand Macao Casino Scamming Players

Grand Macao Casino (And All Of Netad Management Casino’s) Have Now Been Blacklisted. Players Have Been Warned to Stay Away as These Casino’s Are NOT Paying Their Players!

We have had several complaints over this past year regarding Netad Management’s casinos not paying their players winnings. Upon stepping in on behalf of the player to try and get answers from customer support, we receive the same old run around as the players. That is if they choose to even answer at all.

The latest complaint to help them acquire a permanent place our Blacklist is from a player that is owed $30,000 USD.

This is the email we received:

This casino has refused to pay me my winnings. I started by making huge deposit until I got lucky to win which they were pay $500 every two weeks for the past 8 months. My balance remaining is almost $30k they’re requesting me to make deposit. I’ll appreciate if this can be looked into as I see this to be a scam. Thanks

Well we did look into this and of course our emails were ignored. One thing we did find out interesting is that Grand Macao has a term that basically says they don’t have to pay any of their players if they don’t feel like it. So on top of not paying the player $500 every two weeks (which by the way for those of you who don’t want to do the math, that is 2.5 years to get a $30k payout) Here is an email this unfortunate player received from Dan Hawke, one of Grand Macao Casino’s financial staff:

Dear Gabriel,

Thank you for your email.

Please kindly note that the approval of the withdrawals is also influenced by our players’ activity in our Casino and the exact amount we can approve is decided by the higher management. Increasing your monthly activity includes increasing the time spent in our Casino, your bet amounts, and the frequency of your deposits.

The rule mentioned above is clearly stated in the Terms and Conditions on our website (28.): “The casino reserves the right to limit cashout amounts of any player at any time at its discretion. Cashout limits will be determined by casino management according to a player’s level and recent account activity.”

In case you need further assistance regarding how to increase your account activity please contact our 24/7 Customer Support via phone or live chat.

Kind regards,

Dan Hawke
Finance Department

So what this guy Dan is telling the player is that he wants him to play more at the casino and make another deposit. THE GUY PLAYS EVERYDAY AND HAS THIRTY FREAKING THOUSAND IN HIS ACCOUNT!!! This is an absolute travesty and just plain thievery. And it is just one of many from this company.

On another recent Scam Report we reported about another one of Netad Management casinos “Slots Jungle”. We get more complaints on Slots Jungle than any of their other casinos.

This is the complaint that was emailed to us the other day about Slots Jungle:


slots jungle is the casino I won 4400 dollars. I have done everything they required and they keep making up stupid excuses. I won one march 22 and have saved all emails they have sent and did everything they have asked. Please help me get my money if you can. If you need more information or emails they have sent please let me know.

Interestingly enough we received this email just before a guy named “Tommy” from  the Slots Jungles affiliate program (Affactive) approached us and asked if we would promote their brand of casinos on Casino Scam Report. He also said “Under our name we have 9 reputable brands that offer a large selection of games from several software providers”. Now the term “reputable brands” is quite a stretch since we gets complaints on those so called “reputable brands” all the time.

I then thought to myself, “what a more convenient time to bring this current complaint to Tommy’s attention”. So I did. And you know what happened? Nothing. No response at all. Shocking right? So I emailed them a second time to let them know that I would be writing up a scam report on Slots Jungle and all their other casinos (as mentioned earlier we get numerous complaints on all of them as well) and also adding their entire clientele of online casinos to our Blacklist. Well lo and behold I get a one sentence email back from Tommy telling me this:

Hi Rick,

As far as I know this matter is still being processed, It will be finalized very shortly.



In other words Tommy most likely didn’t look into this matter at all and just wanted to sound as if he did. Whatever the case 2 entire months waiting for a payout is completely unacceptable and I let him know this. Tommy then responded with this email:

Hi Rick can you please send me your username and email address so we can address the problem thanks.



He is asking me for my username and email as if I played at this casino or was a part of his affiliate program that he wanted me to join in the first place. Completely clueless from my point of view considering I gave him every bit of info on the player in the first place so he could investigate.

The bottom line with this group of casinos is this; I have tried my best throughout the years to help players get their money from Netad Management casinos and I am just DONE. It is a complete waste of my time to go back and forth with their nonsense and games. From this point on I cannot and will not help players with issues at any of the below casinos. YOU are on your own! YOU’VE been warned. It’s as simple as coming to our site or doing a Google search to find out if a casino is a scam or not. It’s really that easy.

Netad Managment Casino to Avoid:

  •  Slots Jungle
  •  Win Palace Play
  •  Grand Macao
  •  Slots of Fortune
  •  Jackpot Grand
  •  Win Palace Casino
  •  Casino Titan
  •  Golden Cherry
  •  Begado Casino


CP Report

Rick Norris
Rick Norris is the originating founder Casino Players Report. For over 20 years Rick has helped numerous players avoid online casino scams. In the process, he has helped recover hundreds of thousands of dollars in player winnings. Rick prides himself on helping players find the best and honest online casinos in the industry.


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