Avoid Lucky 18 Casino

Avoid Lucky 18 Casino

This just in from Casinomeister:

Once again we find ourselves looking at Lucky 18 issues where players are owed money, have been told they’ll get it and then nothing happens. The latest is a $7200 payout to a player that has gone way overdue without explanation. Customer Service has not responded to the player and they have ignored us.

Warning: Lucky 18 is reneging on payments, ignoring it’s players and refusing to discuss player issues with us. Avoid this casino.

Rick Norris
Rick Norris is the originating founder Casino Players Report. For over 20 years Rick has helped numerous players avoid online casino scams. In the process, he has helped recover hundreds of thousands of dollars in player winnings. Rick prides himself on helping players find the best and honest online casinos in the industry.


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