Casino Player Disputes Resolved with Payout Identity Verification

Casino Player Disputes Resolved with Payout Identity Verification

CS Report is celebrating its 10th year anniversary this year and we can not believe how quickly a decade has come and gone. When the idea behind CS Report came about, we were involved in an industry that was not as nearly developed as it is today.

Over the last 10 years the online casino industry has grown in leaps and bounds, suffered set backs, (Black Friday), online gambling laws have come and gone, some changed for better and some for the worse.

However, one thing remains, our commitment to helping players avoid scams; providing concise and accurate information of online casinos that follow standards and guidelines set by authorizing agents who have players best interests in mind.

We receive and collect casino player disputes, casino scams and payout delays as a daily part of our routine. To be honest not as any as when we first began, but we believe that is due to the simple fact that more players are apt to doing the research and utilizing the information compiled on our site and so many others that have joined in making this industry one of transparency and accountability.

This week we received a particular casino complaint that has set in motion the motives behind this hopefully short post.

A player came to us looking for help receiving a $750.00 payout that was two months overdue. She reported she was getting the run around and that the online casino was basically brushing her off.

On behalf of the player we contacted the casino to help resolve the dispute. Our email was brief and concise to customer support:

“Today we received an email from a player complaining about a 2 month overdue payout issue of $750. Please understand we are not looking for any player info or anything other than to help resolve this issue. It is never our intention to post a scam report on our website about a casino when it is not warranted and we believe that there must be miscommunication for the simple fact that we have never received a complaint regarding your casino. We have included a copy of the “complaint email” below with the players name, account ID and email.”

We then asked kindly for the casino to please look further into the matter to help resolve the dispute in order to appease the player and to end any possible misunderstandings that could or would tarnish the casino’s reputation.

We began to worry when we sent in a second email without prior responses from the casino. So with due diligence an additional email was sent asking for a response once more. This email prompted a response from the “casino bit boss” familiar with the case. The “bit boss” helped us to understand the delay in payment and to clear up the miscommunication that had brought us to this point.

What was revealed through correspondence with the casino was a verification check of the customers identity was not valid.

Here is the response below:

“As you know every casino runs verification checks before any withdrawal can be paid. The player was requested to send through certain documents to update her account which she did but only sent through certain documents. We then had to request the outstanding information again from the player. Further to this the player’s name on her gaming account and on her id, financial records did not correspond. We had to further request an explanation from the player and more valid proof of identification was required. Bear in mind that our finance team do not work on weekends and operate on a Monday to Friday schedule.

 So there was a lot of back and forth with the player. From our end we were very concerned with the name mismatches and as we are entitled, did everything possible to ensure we had been relating with a legit player. While we have not found any further reason to hold the withdrawal, the player can expect her winnings to be processed in the next 24hrs.”

At the time of writing this article the player has been contacted and she has informed us that the casino approval on her winnings have been set in motion. We will keep everyone posted with updates as to final payment of her winnings.

The future will definitely make life easier and simpler for players and casinos once secure and accurate location verification services are incorporated to help protect and maintain against the possibility of identity fraud.

We would like to thank both the player and the casino for their parts in helping to resolve this dispute in a timely and efficient manner.

Rick Norris
Rick Norris is the originating founder Casino Players Report. For over 20 years Rick has helped numerous players avoid online casino scams. In the process, he has helped recover hundreds of thousands of dollars in player winnings. Rick prides himself on helping players find the best and honest online casinos in the industry.


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