Silver Oak Casino Scam Complaint – Resolved

silver oak casino complaint

A player filed a complaint report with us asking for help in retrieving her winnings from Silver Oak Casino. Although Silver Oak Casino appears to be part of the Old Virtual Casino Group, a group of casinos that are blacklisted. We still have a great contact over at Silver Oak and we emailed him for some clarification on why this player’s account had been revoked.

Of course as you can read from the players account below, she conveniently leaves out the part about her charging back over 4k on her credit card. She also threatened the casino. Both of those things are sure to get a player’s account closed. On top of that they may notify other online casinos about her activities and she could be banned from playing other casinos online as well.

This is the complaint email we received from this player about Silver Oak Casino:


I started playing at SILVER OAK online casino in Feb or Match 2017. I did my first withdrawal on March 6, 2017 and made several withdrawals after that in march, April and may 2017. I have not been paid a cent for any of my withdrawals.

I started inquiring as to why I had not been paid about 3 weeks after first withdrawal. Every time I inquired about being paid. I just kept getting the run around with excuses (i.e payments are 3 months behind; need more documents; will look into it; verify my address; will send complaint to manager; etc).

I inquired about non-payment the other day and was told my account had been revoked and they immediately  stopped talking to me. Silver Oak will not pay out what they owe me. I wrote down and saved all my withdrawal info/history. They owe me almost $5000. They owe my daughter, username=xxxxxx $2000 dollars and refuse to pay her as well. Please help me anyway you can. I appreciate  any help. Thank you…….Virginia

And this is her follow up email with us from the same day:

The only reason I can give for revocation is because I have continually sent emails to them about not being paid. I told them I was going to let people  know about this. I tried to get ‘askgamblers’ to contact them about non-payment, I think they did, cause ‘askgamblers’ told me their inquiry about me was rejected.

It was after that, when someone else contacted them on my behalf, that I found out my account was revoked. It’s because I have been very vocal to them about not being paid. That’s the only reason I can think of for the revocation.


After emailing our contact at Silver Oak Casino we saw that the player conveniently left out the part about charging back her credit card in the amount of $4869. Here is the email we received back from support:

This player owes us $4869 from disputing her deposits, we are not issuing out his payments to her.

I hope you understand.

Best regards,


If you are going to do a chargeback on money that was deposited in good faith to a casino you will get what you deserve from the casino and that is having your account locked and and any winnings confiscated. It’s really that simple. This complaint is now closed and resolved in favor of Silver Oak Casino.

Rick Norris
Rick Norris is the originating founder Casino Players Report. For over 20 years Rick has helped numerous players avoid online casino scams. In the process, he has helped recover hundreds of thousands of dollars in player winnings. Rick prides himself on helping players find the best and honest online casinos in the industry.


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