Lady Dream Casino NOT Paying Winnings after 6 months!

Lady Dream Casino NOT Paying Winnings after 6 months! (Blacklisted)

Edit: Lady Dream Casino is no longer online

Player posted this complaint…

I used to be a regular customer of Lady Dream Casino since 2004, a few months ago I made 3 cash outs of $250 and everything was ok I even get the email approving the withdrawal, and another email from Direct Net Pay informing about the waiting time of 2 weeks to 1 month to get the check.I am still waiting for the check. On July I decided to email the casino’s manager, and he sent me an email telling me this:

Lady Dream Casino reply:

Hi , DNP is behind on cashouts and is catching up daily as quickly as possible, paying the oldest first. I promise you will be paid, but I cant give a date for that.
Tom Kennedy
Casino Cashier

On September 30th Lady Dream player gets another email:

Hi Daisy, we are getting close to being caught up. It looks like your check should go out in the next two weeks. My apologies for the delay in getting this to you .
Tom Kennedy
Casino Cashier
Players final reply to us:

But after 6 moths I am still waiting for my check. I tried to contact DNP and the casino without any result, so I decided to email them daily and now they banned me.

This is my information from DNP

Track ID 160000716
Date: May 29, 2008 16:10:19
Amount : $750.00
Status Info: Approved

This is my second withdrawal on September 2004 I made one and I get the money without any problems.

I lost a lot with Lady Dream Casino, because in 4 years I have deposited a lot of money. If I ever know that they won’t pay my winnings, I would never play my money there.

Rick Norris
Rick Norris is the originating founder Casino Players Report. For over 20 years Rick has helped numerous players avoid online casino scams. In the process, he has helped recover hundreds of thousands of dollars in player winnings. Rick prides himself on helping players find the best and honest online casinos in the industry.


  1. Lady dream has done the same thing to me also. Put a lot of money into it an recieved checks from direct net pay. Stupid me fell for their scam. Been waiting for 2k for 6 yrs. They also banned me after many emails.


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